Bio and Photos

Official Author Photo

(additional photos below.  Alternate sizes and resolution of this photo available upon request)

Randy Henderson: photo by Folly Blaine

Photo by Folly Blaine


The short, quirky version with links (good for websites, blogs, online interviews and articles, etc.):

Randy Henderson is an author, milkshake connoisseur, Writers of the Future grand prize winner, relapsed sarcasm addict, and Clarion West  graduate.

His “dark and quirky” contemporary fantasy series from TOR (US) and Titan (UK) includes Finn Fancy Necromancy, Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free, and Smells Like Finn Spirit. Find him at:


The short professional version (good for workshops, conventions, etc):

Randy Henderson is the author of the darkly humorous urban fantasy series that includes Finn Fancy Necromancy, Bigfootloose & Finn Fancy Free, and Smells Like Finn Spirit, published by Tor (US) and Titan (UK). He is the Golden Pen Grand Prize winner of Writers of the Future for 2014, and his short fiction has appeared in numerous professional publications. Randy graduated from the Clarion West writing workshop in 2009.

Randy has experience as a reader, lecturer, and panel participant on the subject of writing at events such as Cascade Writers, Norwescon, WorldCon, World Fantasy Convention, and Rainforest Writers Retreats, as well as his own independent workshops.


The wordy version:

Randy was born in the States of wonder, awe, and Washington.  He quickly learned the joy of escaping to fantasy worlds, from Middle Earth to Earth Sea, from Amber to Pern, from Valdemar to Midkemia.  He took some amazing vacation photos of these places (in his head), that he shares with all the friends he made (also in his head).  His head has become rather cluttered.

After toying with such impressive creative pursuits as Latch Hook and recording really clever answering machine messages, Randy realized that what he wanted most was to write that which had brought him much joy.  It was not as easy as it looked.

Many years of dabbling followed, during which Randy studied social sciences and worked a variety of jobs such as weight loss counselor, Alaska factory-boat worker, and writing tax sob stories for CPA clients (his first paid fiction), before finally settling in IT.  Randy decided to get serious about his writing, and attended the Clarion West writing workshop where he learned things, dark, mystical things about the art of writing, things best left unspoken.  Ask him, and he’ll gladly speak of them.

Randy then wrote new stories, faster stories, stronger stories, and was published in wondrous places like Realms of Fantasy and Escape Pod before winning the grand prize in Writers of the Future.  He now has a humorous urban fantasy series out from TOR (US) and Titan (UK), including Finn Fancy Necromancy, Bigfootloose & Finn Fancy Free, and Smells Like Finn Spirit.



Randy Henderson: photo by Folly Blaine

Photo by Folly Blaine


Randy Henderson Reading

Randy Henderson Reading at University Bookstore, Seattle

Randy Henderson Reading

Randy Henderson Reading at University Bookstore, Seattle. Photo by Folly Blaine


Randy Henderson

Randy Henderson reading at Norwescon





  1. […] Randy Henderson – photo by Folly Blaine | Source […]

  2. JoshMonster says:

    Thanks for the personalized copy, I devoured it as soon as I got it, right after reading it!

  3. […] Randy Henderson – photo by Folly Blaine | Source […]

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