Randy’s Norwescon Schedule

As of now I only have panels on Sunday (and am giving a critique on Friday), leaving me free to attend all my friends’ panels and readings and parties the rest of the weekend, which is kind of nice.


My Panels (drop on by):

Bad Writing, No Cookie

Sunday 11am           Cascade 5&6

What makes a piece of writing… bad? What makes it so bad it’s funny? (Think “Eye of Argon.”) What sort of stuff should you avoid in order to prevent your prose (inadvertently) becoming the next winner of the Bulwer-Lytton award? Can you write badly on purpose…and should you?

Cat Rambo, Alma Alexander, Caren Gussoff, Jordan Lapp, Randy Henderson


Crowns & Swords

Sunday 3pm Cascade 4

Countless novels have been set in the intertwined worlds of monarchy and fantasy, often involving epic battles.  Given that many fantasy novels are set in worlds drawn from medieval Europe, it’s no surprise to see so many stories based around monarchies – kings and queens, tyrannical emperors, and long-lost heirs to the throne. How much of fantasy’s appeal is grounded in this familiar setting, and how can this long-standing tradition be updated or refreshed; or should it be abandoned entirely?

Kris Millering, Randy Henderson, Kim Ritchie, Kevin Radthorne



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